June 22, 2023
Mayor's Corner
A Word from Mayor Chuck
Here’s what’s happening in Crescent!
We are excited to announce have hired a new city clerk, Jody Shea. She will be a great asset to our community.
Triston has been teaching her the ins and outs, but it will take time to learn it all. If you have questions for her, please be patient as she finds the answers for you.
The new playground equipment for the park has arrived and installation should start very soon.
New metal sheeting is being put on at City Hall. The old metal had started to rust, and we found many rodent holes behind it. It should be finished up in the next few weeks.
It’s been a hot June! Please make sure your outside pets have plenty of water and shade.
4th of July will be here soon. With the dry season, please be careful if shooting off any fireworks. Also, please be mindful of your neighbors and pets in the area.