October 6, 2023
Mayor's Corner
A Word from Mayor Chuck
Here’s what’s happening in Crescent!
Summer is over and fall is here. As the leaves start to fall, please don’t blow them into the streets. Also, we ask that you keep an eye out for kids along the highway, especially when school buses are picking and dropping them off.
We are hoping to do a little more sidewalk updating before winter gets here.
The city council, our city attorney, and I are still working to get our school back.
They offered us a lease for 8-10 years, but they won’t guarantee anything beyond that. That is a non-starter for the City Council.
Thank you to everyone who came out for the ribbon cutting at the park. Our new playground equipment looks great, and the little ones seemed to really enjoy it. A special thank you to Mindi Hively and all of you that made this possible!
We are still working with DNR on our sewer system, and it continues to be a very slow process.
Lastly, no one is allowed to live in a camper in town.